The shoulder is a very complex joint and is constantly in use during our lives, so it has the potential for many things to go wrong. When something does go wrong, it can lead to a need for shoulder surgery. In addition to shoulder arthroplasty (shoulder replacement surgery), there is shoulder arthroscopy (shoulder repair surgery) – which is used to make minor repairs to the shoulder, usually to alleviate pain or to regain proper rotation. Shoulder arthroscopy may be recommended in order to [Read More]
Kyphoplasty – ABCs of This Procedure and Its Benefits
Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive, outpatient type of spine surgery that is designed to repair cracked or broken vertebrae. It is very similar to vertebroplasty – in which a special cement is injected to fill in the broken bone – except that a tiny balloon is first inserted into the injured spot. Once placed, the balloon is inflated to create extra space which will be filled with bone cement. The procedure is designed to help fractured and/or compressed vertebrae regain their original [Read More]
Reasons to Consider Concierge Orthopedics
Concierge medicine is quickly becoming a trend in the increasingly busy medical industry as an option for patients who desire an enhanced experience in getting medical services. Concierge orthopedics aims to apply the same concept, specifically to orthopedic patients. This practice attempts to build better personal relationships between patients, doctors, and the clinic itself. Consider these benefits of concierge orthopedics: Sooner Appointments Concierge orthopedics gives you priority for [Read More]
Why You Should See an Orthopedic Surgeon
No matter how good an athlete you are, accidents will happen. Repetitive use during training is the cause of many sports injuries – as is trauma from sudden impact or awkward twists and turns during competition. In times like these, it is best to see an orthopedic surgeon. Damage caused by knee injuries, ligament tears, and skeletal fractures needs immediate attention. Hence, having an experienced orthopedic surgeon on standby is always a good call. Professional and amateur athletes alike [Read More]
Why Your Orthopedic Surgeon is So Excited About Stem Cells
Stem cells are sparking a lot of conversation in the medical world. And there’s a good reason to be excited over them. Scientists and doctors continue to research and apply new uses for stem cells every day. This development means progress in the field of medical care, but also in the future of medical treatment as a whole. Here is why your orthopedic surgeon is so excited about stem cells. What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are essentially like raw materials for our body. All the other cells in [Read More]
How to Deal With Persistent Sciatica Pain
If you have sharp or chronic pain, numbness, or tingling that radiates anywhere from your lower back to your feet, it's possible that you could be suffering from sciatica. Complaints about pain felt in the lower back are one of the most common reasons a patient visits a pain specialist. Up to 85 percent of Americans experience some back pain during their lives. If sciatica is the cause of your persistent pain, many treatments are available to help you cope. What Is Sciatica? Sciatica [Read More]
Misconceptions About Arthritis
Tens of millions of Americans are affected by arthritis. Although plenty of excellent information about the disease is readily available online and elsewhere, several myths remain attached to the condition. Some of the most common misconceptions about arthritis include the following: Misconception #1: “Only older people get arthritis” The risk of arthritis does increase as we grow older – about half of all people over 65 have some form of the disease. However, many arthritis sufferers are [Read More]
The Difference Between Sprains and Strains
Strains and sprains can be quite common injuries for people of practically all ages, and most people suffer them at least once in their lifetime. They are one of the most frequent reasons people seek a health care provider. These injuries occur frequently in active, athletic people, and most treated sprains and strains heal within 2 to 4 weeks. Let’s take a look at the differences between these two types of orthopedic injuries: What Are Sprains? A sprain is an injury to a ligament, which is [Read More]
The Complete Guide to Kyphoplasty
Sustaining a compression fracture or break in one of the vertebrae of your spine can be quite painful. Not only that, but it can also make it difficult for you to move about freely since it could mean that there are bone fragments in your back rubbing against each other. The good news is that there are minimally invasive procedures that can treat such fractures, relieve your pain, and improve your mobility when other measures fail to do so. One of these is balloon kyphoplasty. Often [Read More]
Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Young or old, we Americans love our sports – not just watching them, but also participating in them. However, some sports – whether football, golf, or any sport in between – are more physical than others, which means they pose a greater risk of injury. Here are some of the most common sports injuries, and ways you can avoid getting sidelined as a result: Sprains and Strains A sprain involves the stretching or tearing of a ligament – the fibrous tissue connecting bones and joints, while a [Read More]