Low back pain is one of the most common medical conditions, affecting an estimated 619 million people globally. The lumbar spine, located in the lower back, supports the majority of your upper body’s weight and endures significant strain during everyday activities like bending, lifting, or twisting. This can lead to discomfort, stiffness, or chronic pain that limits mobility and reduces quality of life. If you are one of the many people dealing with low back pain, there is good news. Trigger [Read More]
Back Pain
Types of Shots for Lower Back Pain: Which Is Right for You?
Dealing with lower back pain can feel like running a marathon with a pebble in your shoe. It is a common struggle for many, affecting daily life and mood. The good news is that medical advancements offer solutions to ease this pain. Shots for lower back pain are one of the options currently available. These injections are designed to target and relieve pain directly at its source. But with several types available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. This article will explore [Read More]
Best Sleeping Positions for the Back and Neck
While you sleep, your body recovers and regenerates, which is why the last thing you want to do is sleep in a compromising position that leaves you susceptible to injuries. Waking up with a stiff and achy neck or back can make you feel as if you haven’t slept at all, and you want to avoid this to have a productive and positive day. Poor sleeping positions are often the culprit of neck and back pain – which can last for days, giving you discomfort and the inability to move freely. Here are the [Read More]
Kyphoplasty – ABCs of This Procedure and Its Benefits
Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive, outpatient type of spine surgery that is designed to repair cracked or broken vertebrae. It is very similar to vertebroplasty – in which a special cement is injected to fill in the broken bone – except that a tiny balloon is first inserted into the injured spot. Once placed, the balloon is inflated to create extra space which will be filled with bone cement. The procedure is designed to help fractured and/or compressed vertebrae regain their original [Read More]
How to Deal With Persistent Sciatica Pain
If you have sharp or chronic pain, numbness, or tingling that radiates anywhere from your lower back to your feet, it's possible that you could be suffering from sciatica. Complaints about pain felt in the lower back are one of the most common reasons a patient visits a pain specialist. Up to 85 percent of Americans experience some back pain during their lives. If sciatica is the cause of your persistent pain, many treatments are available to help you cope. What Is Sciatica? Sciatica [Read More]
The Complete Guide to Kyphoplasty
Sustaining a compression fracture or break in one of the vertebrae of your spine can be quite painful. Not only that, but it can also make it difficult for you to move about freely since it could mean that there are bone fragments in your back rubbing against each other. The good news is that there are minimally invasive procedures that can treat such fractures, relieve your pain, and improve your mobility when other measures fail to do so. One of these is balloon kyphoplasty. Often [Read More]
The Difference Between a Herniated Disc and a Bulging Disc
Your spine is made up of bones called vertebrae, each of which is cushioned by soft discs composed of an outer layer of tough cartilage that surrounds softer, jellylike cartilage in the center. These discs are what enable you to move your spine around and bend over. If you’re feeling a sharp pain in the spine that radiates in your lower back, you may be suffering from either a herniated disc or a bulging disc. If you research your symptoms, you might be confused; that’s because people [Read More]
Top 10 Benefits of Lumbar Epidurals
One of the most common health complaints you are likely to hear someone say is “oh my aching back!” Fortunately, there are a number of different treatments and pain management options available for back pain. One popular treatment for low back pain, sciatica, and leg pain is lumbar epidural treatment. Also known as spinal epidural injections, lumbar epidurals are a non-surgical pain management treatment option during which anti-inflammatory medication and steroids are injected in the lower back [Read More]
What is Causing My Back Pain?
“Oh my aching back!” Millions of people suffer from back pain, and there are numerous reasons behind it. Two people with back pain can have completely different causes. If you suffer from back pain, it can be difficult pinpointing what exactly is causing it. To figure this out, you should visit a doctor who can perform a variety of tests and examinations to determine the cause. Your doctor will be able to determine if your back pain is caused by a structural issue, a disease affecting the bones [Read More]