Did you know that almost 60 million American adults have been diagnosed with arthritis? It is estimated that one-third of patients who see a doctor for an orthopedic problem specifically have knee pain. There are many reasons for knee pain, including overuse, tendonitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, sprained knee (stretched or torn ligament), and a torn meniscus (torn cartilage). The good news is that knee pain can usually be successfully treated without surgery, including through simple [Read More]
knee pain relief
5 Tips on How Not to Hurt Your Knee
When we think of knee injuries, we tend to first think of athletes. However, time is one of the biggest causes of joint problems, particularly with the knees and hips. These are the main weight-bearing joints, and the knees, in particular, carry the stresses of walking, stepping, turning, lifting, and balancing all day every day. Accordingly, as we get older, the connective tissues that support the knees – along with the synovial fluid and cartilage which cushions them – tend to gradually [Read More]
Is a Painful Knee Serious?
Knee pain is a common complaint among millions of Americans. It can affect anyone at any age, although it is most common among adults. Knee pain has various potential causes, some of which can lead to chronic pain and extensive or irreversible damage when left untreated. If you’re experiencing knee pain that has become chronic or persistent or one that is severe and accompanied by swelling, fever, deformity, or instability, see an orthopedic doctor for prompt medical intervention, as it [Read More]