When we think of knee injuries, we tend to first think of athletes. However, time is one of the biggest causes of joint problems, particularly with the knees and hips. These are the main weight-bearing joints, and the knees, in particular, carry the stresses of walking, stepping, turning, lifting, and balancing all day every day. Accordingly, as we get older, the connective tissues that support the knees – along with the synovial fluid and cartilage which cushions them – tend to gradually [Read More]
knee pain treatment in Boynton Beach FL
Is a Painful Knee Serious?
Knee pain is a common complaint among millions of Americans. It can affect anyone at any age, although it is most common among adults. Knee pain has various potential causes, some of which can lead to chronic pain and extensive or irreversible damage when left untreated. If you’re experiencing knee pain that has become chronic or persistent or one that is severe and accompanied by swelling, fever, deformity, or instability, see an orthopedic doctor for prompt medical intervention, as it [Read More]
How Can I Get Relief from Knee Pain?
Knee pain is not uncommon, and it has various potential causes, including injury, wear-and-tear arthritis, and repeated stress on the knee. There are a variety of treatments available that can help effectively relieve your knee pain. The type of treatment you need will depend on the cause and severity of your condition. Let’s explore the various nonsurgical and surgical treatment options for knee pain. Nonsurgical Treatment Approaches for Knee Pain Your orthopedic specialist will likely [Read More]
It is painful when I bend my knee. What does this mean?
If you are experiencing knee pain, especially when you bend it to walk, kneel, sit, squat, and more, it is likely that you have a condition or injury that needs treatment. There are many causes of knee pain, and it is incredibly difficult to self-diagnose yourself correctly. This is why it is critical to see an orthopedic specialist with a wealth of experience diagnosing and treating knee conditions and injuries. Painful Knee: Where Does It Hurt? The exact location of your knee pain is an [Read More]